Frequently Asked Questions
Gifts from Your Will/Trust
What happens if I die without a valid will?
When do I need to change my will?
Do I need an attorney to write a will?
What is the role of an executor or personal representative?
What are my non-probate assets?
Giving from Your Retirement Plan
How do I arrange a gift from my retirement plan?
What are the tax implications of a gift of retirement plan assets?
Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets
How do I arrange for a gift of my stock?
What are the tax advantages of a gift of stock?
Will you sell the shares I give you?
Can I give closely held stock that I own?
Gifts of Life Insurance
How do I arrange a gift from my life insurance?
What are the tax implications of a gift of life insurance?
Charitable Gift Annuity
How can I calculate my benefits?
How are the annuity payments guaranteed?
Is it better to give cash or appreciated securities for my gift annuity?
Can I include my children as income beneficiaries of my gift annuity?
What’s the difference between a commercial annuity and a charitable gift annuity?
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Who can serve as trustee of my annuity trust?
How would the assets in my annuity trust be invested?
Is it better to give cash or appreciated securities for my unitrust?
How will income from my annuity trust be taxed?
Can I name my children as income beneficiaries?
What are the tax deduction implications of my charitable remainder trust?
Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
Who can serve as trustee of my unitrust?
How would the assets in my unitrust be invested?
Is it better to give cash or appreciated securities for my annuity trust?
How will income from my unitrust be taxed?
Can I give real estate or other property to a unitrust?
Can I include my children as income beneficiaries?
What are the tax deduction implications of my Charitable Remainder Unitrust?
Retained Life Estate
Can we move out and then back in?
Can we use our second home to create a Retained Life Estate?
Charitable Lead Trusts
Will I be able to claim an income tax deduction when I set up my Charitable Lead Trust?
Can I name my grandchildren as beneficiaries of my Charitable Lead Trust?
How long will my Charitable Lead Trust last?
Can I establish a CLT for less than $1,000,000?
How does a Charitable Lead Trust help Kennedy Krieger Foundation?